Sami Direct

Sami Direct, an international network marketing brand in the areas of nutraceuticals and cosmaceuticals well known for its Ayurvedic Flagship of products. Though they are a part of Sami Sabinsa Group of companies, Sami Direct’s origins trace back to Kerala. Sami Direct came to Imtell to run a strategic campaign for the opening of their new UAE unit and website development.

ClientSami DirectYear2018Share:

Project Highlights

  • Campaign Strategy : A fresh start for the new audience
  • Brand Identity : Aggressive advertising to establish the brand identity
  • Website Development : Revamping the website to suit the times
  • Content, Social Media, Videos & PR : Smart digital content and solutions for overall reach and ROI

Our Approach

We were fascinated by this magnificent network marketing brand and eagerly dived into the challenges presented. Our efforts through social media, nationwide PR and media relations were all focused on one mission – creating a brand people love, trust and call their own. First, we intended to introduce a more minimalistic, user-friendly website that is way ahead of its peers. We had extensive discussions and research to determine the vital factors in remodeling the website. It required an appealing look, elevated UX, and easy navigation to suit the rapidly growing brand.

Creating crisp and rich content that showcases and educates the audience on Sami Direct’s fabulous collection of products was the next task. We created a cutting edge strategy for a new campaign and tied the freshly churned up content and spectacular designs to go with it. We used multichannel marketing to reach into Malayali Diaspora as well as the native demographic of UAE. Our digital marketing efforts for Sami Direct also encompassed digital advertising, social media, videos & PR and other marketing activities.

Samidirect Image 2
Happy couple smiling after find out positive pregnancy test in bedroom
Happy couple smiling after find out positive pregnancy test in bedroom

The Result

Though there were several technical challenges and hurdles on our way to the new website designs and activations, the results were assuring and promising. The new site has a slick, professional look and captures the unique personality of the brand. Through a multi-channeled, integrated campaign, strategic content marketing, concentrated link building and digital PR, we established and strengthened their online presence. We received positive responses and results to our campaigns and activations.